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You can have a sneakpeak of the provider functionality at Demo

Providers are built in functionalities of CRUD. Are mean to be a route with all in to be used as a plugin and play with adjust of a simple configuration.

It is being design to be used like:

const createProductRoute = createRoute({
  name: "createProduct",
  path: "/product",
  resource: "",
  page: {
    type: "create",
    title: "Create a New Product",
    description: "We are gonna use cars for the example",
  options: {
    formOptions: {...}

and so add it to you routes array at Router config, and its ready for use.

namestringThe name to be passe to the Vue Router objectyes
pathstringThe path to be setup to the Vue Router objectyes
resourcestringThe endpoint to be setup at the resourceyes
pageobjectConfiguration object fo the pageyes
page.titlestringTitle of the pageyes
page.descriptionstringdescription message above the title of the pageno
page.typestringThe type of the page to be create. Must be one of create, read ,update or delete.yes
optionsobjectConfiguration object fo the formyes
options.formOptionsFormOptionsConfiguration of the form on the page. The formOptions prop follows the Form component.?


CreateIn progress